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Ionut Z on google0 days ago

I’m from Brasov and I wanted to try the Blue Line in Postavaru for some time. Some friends from Brasov recommended Massif Experience to me, I was lucky with a cancellation and found an instructor for the next day. Until then, I had been on XC trails quite a lot, but I had not yet tried a more enduro trail.

Well, in a 4-hour session with Ciprian Popescu I managed to do several descents. If I were walking alone, I would probably make a descent on foot and leave the puddle :). The technical advice related to the position on the bike, cornering, braking, etc. were very well explained.

In general, I don’t write reviews unless the experience was „wow!” and in my case it really was!

Thank you Ciprian & „Massif Experience”, keep in touch!

Sebastian Tincu on google3 years ago

I have a great half of day , one of the Best experience in Poiana Brașov: bike park, perfect single trail, a lot of adrenalin, and a profesional companion . Marius îs a very skilled guide , i never feel in danger. I test an Trek ebike which was in perfect condition. I recomand this kind of trip, it is more fun .
Many thanks Massif . Keep the good work

Live Aeons on google3 years ago
Massif Experience has it all: Marius is a good trail connoisseur (knowing exactly where to take you, based on your experience, riding style and terrain preferences), a nice guy whom you can have some valuable chats with during fireroad climbs or lunchbreak, and a terrific trip organizer.
His bike fleet is up to the task and on par with his personal traits that make him one of the best guides in Braşov.
Whether you’re a MTB newbie and want just to coast on some easy trails or a hardcore gravity junkie, looking for some steep gradients and chunky rock gardens, he will surely find a way for you to get acquainted with Braşov’s trail offerings, beautiful surroundings and get that blood pumpin’ !
John Anderson MCPHERSON on google3 years ago
We had a great family e-mountain bike tour. Our guide was friendly, knowledgeable and tailor made the trip according to the ability of our group. If you are visiting Brasov, I recommend this e-biking tour for anyone. It’s a fun and healthy way to see the mountains with great views of the town. The friendly and personalised service was was much appreciated. If you are a beginner or expert, you will have great tour with Massif Experience.
Mihnea Amihailesei on google3 years ago

Turul de o zi oferit de Massif Backcountry & Mountain Biking Experience mi-a depăşit complet aşteptările din motive pe care le voi enumera mai jos:
– comunicare foarte bună încă din momentul planificării turei.
– sfaturi practice pentru pregătirea turei: echipament, nutriţie, formă fizică.
– trasee excelente (atât pentru începători, cât şi pentru cei avansaţi), documentate foarte bine.
– ghid foarte bine pregătit, punctual şi cu foarte multă experienţă.

Pe scurt, cred că asta e una dintre cele mai bune activităţi de făcut atunci când eşti în Braşov, mai ales dacă nu cunoşti bine traseele. Ghidul îţi oferă siguranţă, un mic boost de încredere şi acces la nişte poteci geniale!

George Farauanu on google3 years ago

O activitate plina de adrenalină pe care am făcut-o împreună cu prietenii. Bicicletele au fost bine echipate și ne-am distrat pe cinste!

Ciprian Dudulea on google4 years ago

We’ve had an awesome experience last weekend with Marius. He is the type of guy with whom you’ll love to share ideas and spend time with!
Guess where I’m going again next weekend?

Andrei Badea on google4 years ago

I could not recommend Massif tours enough for any MTB lover.
If you want to find epic trails or to increase your MTB skills, this is the way to go.

Marius is a great guide, that will have patience and will adapt to your needs. In my case, I wanted to improve my skills on the enduro trails from Poiana Brasov. The results were great and the new information was mind blowing.

My advice is stop investing in your bike and start investing in your skills. 😉
If you just started MTB or you are shredding Sinaia like a maniac, do yourself a favor and try Massif. Your riding will get better and safer.

I’ll definitely do it again this season.

Jeremie Fould on google4 years ago

we spent 2 days with Marius and Andrei, going through crazy trails, learning how to jump, surrounded by unbelievable views, camping around the fire and riding awesome enduro bikes.. they adapted to our level, we took full advantage of the days, nobody got hurt and everybody came back with sparkles in their eyes hoping to go back soon!!
keep up the good work and see you again soon!
Update: we had another 2 trips with Marius and all were meeting and exceeding the expectations. I highly recommend this for anyone that like mountain biking and/or the mountains. Thanks again !

Andrei on google4 years ago

Great e-bike day in the mountains near Brasov thanks to Massif and Marius.
Rented 2 e-bikes that were in great condition and we had lots of fun using them. Marius is very friendly and easy to talk to. Just give him a call and plan you next adventure.
Highly recommended!!

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    BackcountryMountainbike ToursCursuri SkiCursuri SnowboardCursuri Mountainbike

    Te rugăm să îți evaluezi nivelul personal
    Deții un mountainbike și îl foloseșți măcar odată pe luna. Îți place să pedalezi kilometrii mulți și ți-ai dori să experimentezi mai multe poteci single-track pentru a-ti crești nivelul de dat pe mountainbike.

    Ești un mountain biker împătimit de cel puținîn 2 ani - în medie, în timpul sezonului, ieși cu bicicletă cel puțin odată pe săptămâna. Ești obișnuit cu diferitele tipuri de poteci singletrack

    Ești un mountain biker experimentat, te simți confortabil pe majoritatea tipurilor de teren. În timpul sezonului ieși de cel puțin 2 ori pe săptămâna și îți plac zonele cu multe roci, pietre, rădăcini, poteci abrupte și chiar mici dropuri.

    Ești încrezător pe orice tip de potecă și orice fel de obstacol incluzând: dropuri mari, switchbacks, rock gardens lungi și poteci single rack susținute și tehnice. Ieși de cel puțin 3 ori pe săptămâna și foarte rar te dai jos la secțiuni prea dificile.

    Poți să te dai pe orice tip de potecă, orice grad de dificultate și poți trece peste orice obstacol. Ieși de cel puțin 4 ori pe săptămâna și pe orice tip de vreme. Nu te deranjează să te dai toată ziua, chiar pentru mai multe zile.
