Team Building On A Mountain Bike Tour In Brasov

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How about instead of taking your team out for drinks one night, you give them an awesome mountain biking experience?

This is what happened with this team from Campagnolo, based somewhere in the south side of Romania.

These guys build road bike equipment and parts, so for them, riding mountain bikes was a great escape, especially because they got to visit a different part of Romania.

Let’s dive deeper and see why you’ll love doing a team building on mountain bikes.

So, Why Teambuilding On E-Bikes?

Not only it’s a lot more fun than a lot of other activities, but it really brings the team together.

Whether it’s the first time on a bike or you’re already a pro, E-bikes make it easy for everyone to keep up. No one will be left behind hating the trip, and you’ll all discover your true selves – the coworkers you don’t get to see very often.

For our clients from Campagnolo, this is their 4th team building with us. Every year, we take them to a different part of the country to ride bikes, laugh, eat outdoors, and really connect with each other.

All in all, they go back to work feeling a sense of belonging, but also more relaxed after a few days of riding.

How Do We Organize Everything

Look, if you’re a team manager in charge of organizing the team building this year, we feel sorry for you.

We organize tours on a daily and we know how difficult it can be to get everyone together, prepared, fully equipped, and also take care of everybody. Let’s not mention the pressure we feel because we want people to have fun and enjoy their time with us.

It’s the same with organizing a team building, you want it to be perfect.

So, here’s how we make sure it turns out great:

What Do We Offer Here At Massif Experience?

In short, everything you need to have fun riding an E-bike.

You’ll get a high-performance E-bike, quality equipment (helmets and knee/elbow protections), a van with a bike rack for easy transportation, drinks, snacks, and more!

We can determine the best place for your team building so everyone can get there safely and without too much hassle. We know Romania like the back of our hands, and we can make the most out of every area you want to visit.

You’ll also get at least 2 guides, both certified, licensed, friendly, polite, and eager to meet your team and mountain bike with you.

Ready For A Memorable Team Building Experience?

We’re a team as well, and we know how important it is to have a strong bond between each other.

And as much as we love having fun in the big city, nothing ever compared with being outdoors, connecting with nature, and having as fewer distractions as possible surrounding us.

We know for a fact that team buildings around an activity like this hit different. They truly bring the team together and offer everyone a unique experience that they can be proud of. It’ll bring them closer to the company and create a level of loyalty and commitment that few other things can.

If you’re interested in organizing a team building on E-bikes, we’ve got you covered from start to finish. We’ll take care of everything, and you’ll get to enjoy the experience as much as your team.

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