- Tura Backcountry
- Cursuri Splitboard in Poiana Brasov
- Cursuri Snowboard in Poiana Brasov
- Cursuri Ski in Poiana Brasov
Team Building On A Mountain Bike Tour In Brasov
miercuri, august 21, 2024
How about instead of taking your team out for drinks one night, you give them an awesome mountain biking experience? This is what happened with this team from Campagnolo, based somewhere in the south side of Romania. These guys build road bike equipment and parts, so for them, riding mountain bikes was a great escape,
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Top 4 Mountain Bike Trails In Brasov, Romania
luni, mai 20, 2024
There are between 35 and 45 mountain bike trails around Brasov, and all of them are worth riding at least once. We can split them into: Natural trails (created naturally, by hikers or bikers) Man-made mix (a mix of natural trails with features created by people) Bike park trails (the trails in Postavarul Bike Park,
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The Carpathian Mountains: A Ciucaş Powder Day – A Massif Experience
joi, februarie 9, 2023
We’ve been waiting for snow and looking outside the window for the past month, something reminiscent of a scene from the movie Hachiko… But now it’s over, winter officially bullied itself back into the mountains! A good week of snow and normal temperatures and it was time for us to head out. The idea was
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What You Need To Know To Backcountry In Romania
luni, ianuarie 16, 2023
The Carpathian Mountains have long been one of Romania’s most famous tourist destinations because of their various landscapes, natural parks, wildlife, and medieval castles. Luckily for you, the Carpathians are still an underdog when it comes to backcountry, which means remote places and few people. Say what you want, but these two combined make a
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Adventure Vouchers – The Best Gift In 2023!
joi, noiembrie 3, 2022
So you’re not yet sure what would make a great gift this Christmas? Holidays are approaching like they’re on fast-forward, and the last thing you want to happen is seeing friends or family left with no present, just because “you didn’t know what to get them”. This year (like the years before) Massif Experience got
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A Week Of Mountain Biking Transformed Into A Lifetime Memory
vineri, octombrie 21, 2022
We’re halfway through October and we’re still getting tours with people eager to mountain bike in the Carpathians! The highlight of this month was an amazing group of 10 friends from Israel that have been planning to visit for several months. Every year, they ride in different bike parks in Europe. This year’s pick: the
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Mountain Biking Romania: Book Your Adventure Today!
marți, septembrie 27, 2022
You probably don’t want to waste your vacation in a hotel room thinking of things to do in Romania. Museums and restaurants might entertain you somewhat, but they’ll barely give you a sense of what Romania is like. Besides, maybe the entire purpose of your holiday was to get away from overcrowded streets and try
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luni, noiembrie 29, 2021
Fără prea multe excepții, tindem să ne împărțim între cei care preferă frigul și muntele, și cei care înclină către mare și soare. Însă ocazional ai parte de un mix fericit între cele două lumi… Pe 24 aprilie 2021 am avut genul de tură în care urci și te dai pe munte doar în tricou,
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Siberia Experience
joi, decembrie 3, 2020
-Jurnal, Marius S.- Noiembrie – 2019, De ce găsești powder în Siberia înca din Noiembrie, mai exact lângă lacul Baikal? Pentru că, fiind cel mai mare lac de apă dulce din lume, produce multe precipitații la sfârșit de an. Din Octombrie chiar, până la sfârșit de Decembrie,început de Ianuarie, locul devine un loc astral. Cu temperaturi
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Splitboarding sau mai mult?
vineri, noiembrie 20, 2020
Articolul de față nu se vrea a fi un tutorial despre ce înseamnă splitboardul și cum se folosește. Cade youtube-ul pe noi la câte videouri sunt pe această tema – la o simplă căutare găsiți de la “primii pași în splitboarding” până la diferențe dintre echipamente dedicate splitboarding-ului, la geometrii, tipuri de piei de focă
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