Mountain Biking Romania: Book Your Adventure Today!

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You probably don’t want to waste your vacation in a hotel room thinking of things to do in Romania.

Museums and restaurants might entertain you somewhat, but they’ll barely give you a sense of what Romania is like. Besides, maybe the entire purpose of your holiday was to get away from overcrowded streets and try something new.

If you’re ready to give mountain biking in Romania a shot, the Carpathian Mountains are an excellent starting point.

Want to know why?

Mountain biking romania

Best Place In Romania For Mountain Biking

By far, the best place to mountain bike in Romania is in and near Brasov.

Brasov is surrounded by the Carpathian Mountains, giving you complete accessibility to the best mountain biking head trails in Romania.

There’s a constant flow of hikers here, all coming to spend their holidays in resort villages like Sinaia, Busteni, Predeal, and, of course, the mistakenly known residence of Dracula himself, Bran (Vlad the Impaler never actually set foot in Bran Castle!)

Of course, due to the city’s popularity for mountain bikers and hiking opportunities, you’ll find plenty of trails and biking parks here.

If you want to enjoy the view, plenty of trails will highlight Romania’s beauty and picturesque scenery.

Mountain biking trails in Romania

But if you’re looking for a challenge and to show your MTB skills to your friends, we’ve got a lot of steep downhill trails made exclusively for that.

Bike Park Features In Brasov

You name it! The mountain biking community in Romania takes it seriously, so we’re building our own parks right in our backyards!

Get A Custom Ride With Massif Backcountry & Mountain Biking

We’re born and raised in Brasov, so we’re well-accustomed with the best mountain bike trails in the Carpathian Mountains.

Both tourists and locals have been enjoying our mountain biking tours and backcountry tours since 2017. Their unique rides helped them discover some of the most beautiful places in Romania and their love for mountain biking and shredding trails.

Whether you’re a beginner or have been doing it for years, we’ve got the perfect mountain biking trips ready for you.

Find the tour that suits you the most below!

Full-Day MTB Tour

We’ll explore trails around Postavaru, Ciucas, Piatra Craiului, or Bucegi Mountains.

These are also touristic areas, so you’re ensured beautiful landscapes, villages packed with history, and an exciting downhill ride ideal for both beginners and experienced riders.

Full Day Tour Mountain Biking

Half-Day MTB Tour

Maybe you don’t have an entire day to mountain bike (a pity, honestly), so we designed a tour that’ll accommodate even tighter schedules.

We’ll help you choose a path up to Mountain Tampa and its peak at 860m. While the 360 panoramic views of the surroundings are breathtaking, so is the ride down, so buckle up.

Saxon Villages Mountain Biking Tour

If you’re more interested in a mellow ride where you get to relax, talk, and enjoy the sights, this 2-day tour is perfect!

You’ll ride on dirt roads, forest roads, and gravel. We’ll make comfort stops, and you’ll get to enjoy crazy beautiful landscapes. 

Saxon village tour
Saxon villages mountain biking tour

Mountain Biking And Camping

This 2-day tour will take you to the mountains’ heart and it’s ideal to connect with each other – or with nature. 

We’ll ride over 45 km (28 miles) of single trail and climb at around 2000m (6,500ft). We’ve got you covered with all the equipment needed!

Camping with mountain bikes

Carpathian Enduro Experience

If you’re down to try the mountain biking you see on Instagram or YouTube, this is your best choice!

We’ll ride for 6 days straight, no matter the weather. It’s called enduro for a reason, so you’ll get to surf the best mountain biking trails in Romania and get an unforgettable vacation. Although we’ll be assisted by a 4×4 van with a trailer, make no mistake, some trails will require a higher level of riding ability.

We’ll even bring a professional to take photos and capture the best moments of your trip!

Enduro mountain biking tour romania

So, What's Your Pick?

We’ve made these MTB tours perfectly suited for most riders, no matter their riding level. We’ve chosen mountain bike routes that are in pristine condition and offer our riders spectacular views of the surroundings – views you can’t get otherwise.

Our guiding packages are designed to suit everyone’s needs. Still, if none of the tours above match your schedule, fitness level, or skills, we’ve got the best solution.

Our custom tours will ensure you’re getting a mountain biking tour in the Carpathian Mountains that’s made exclusively for you! Your vacation will be an amazing adventure, and our guides will ensure that!

Who's Massif Backcountry & Mountain Biking Experience?

We’re all about mountain biking, split boarding, snowboarding, skiing, and backcountry tours, so if you’re looking for something to do in Brasov, we’re your best choice.

We’re having dozens of tourists coming from around the world to discover the beauty of Transylvania and the Carpathians’ mountain biking opportunities. Your guides are certified by MIAS and dedicated to give you a tour nothing short of impressive!

If you’re ready to book your adventure and get a taste of what mountain biking in Romania feels like, message us today, and let’s discuss the details!

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    Te rugăm să îți evaluezi nivelul personal
    Deții un mountainbike și îl foloseșți măcar odată pe luna. Îți place să pedalezi kilometrii mulți și ți-ai dori să experimentezi mai multe poteci single-track pentru a-ti crești nivelul de dat pe mountainbike.

    Ești un mountain biker împătimit de cel puținîn 2 ani - în medie, în timpul sezonului, ieși cu bicicletă cel puțin odată pe săptămâna. Ești obișnuit cu diferitele tipuri de poteci singletrack

    Ești un mountain biker experimentat, te simți confortabil pe majoritatea tipurilor de teren. În timpul sezonului ieși de cel puțin 2 ori pe săptămâna și îți plac zonele cu multe roci, pietre, rădăcini, poteci abrupte și chiar mici dropuri.

    Ești încrezător pe orice tip de potecă și orice fel de obstacol incluzând: dropuri mari, switchbacks, rock gardens lungi și poteci single rack susținute și tehnice. Ieși de cel puțin 3 ori pe săptămâna și foarte rar te dai jos la secțiuni prea dificile.

    Poți să te dai pe orice tip de potecă, orice grad de dificultate și poți trece peste orice obstacol. Ieși de cel puțin 4 ori pe săptămâna și pe orice tip de vreme. Nu te deranjează să te dai toată ziua, chiar pentru mai multe zile.
