The Carpathian Mountains: A Ciucaş Powder Day – A Massif Experience

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We’ve been waiting for snow and looking outside the window for the past month, something reminiscent of a scene from the movie Hachiko…

But now it’s over, winter officially bullied itself back into the mountains!

A good week of snow and normal temperatures and it was time for us to head out. The idea was to go out for a scouting mission in the beautiful Ciucaș mountains.

The way the guiding community works and interacts is such an important factor in building a good infrastructure.

We piled up a van full with fellow ski/split-bums (a.k.a guides) and off we went.

The Way Up The Ciucaș Mtn. Range

The Ciucaș mountain range is a real treat for anyone who’s into tree lines and flowy riding sessions. It’s why it’s one of our first choices for backcountry tours. Not to mention the beautiful and unique landscape, especially once you reach the alpine.

Since winter started off with what felt like spring, we were just hoping to get some good turns in some decent snow.

Right off the bat at the start of the trailhead there were over three feet of fresh light snow, so you could say we lucked out. Skinning our way up to our first checkpoint felt like a mountain workshop. Everyone was discussing about and trying out different techniques whilst sharing hard-earned knowledge.

It’s moments like these when you feel that Romania’s backcountry scene and tourism have a bright future.

The Break On Top

Skinning uphill through the forest was a real treat but we could definitely hear the wind howling up in the alpine. As soon as we reached the ridge, our suspicions were confirmed.

It wasn’t a problem though, since, as we said, one of the best traits these mountains have are their tree lines. Since there were over eight experienced riders / guides, there were an endless amount of suggestions for the way down.

We decided to find a nice hidden spot close to a cliff, so we could have a decent transition in the +40km/h winds. After a quick snack, a few dance jigs to get the blood pumping, we had 16 ready and willing feet.

Needless to say, the snow was absolutely beautiful. After the first few turns, we went down a pretty well-know line, through a very fun, and luckily, wind-sheltered valley.

The Climb Down

Yeehaaws were the norm and the entire group was just shredding like it was the first good day of the season… which it actually was.

After a good 30 minutes of riding, filming, reassessing the terrain, and the most fun forest lines you could imagine we reached our next transition spot. Since the conditions were heavenly, each one of us decided that, without a doubt, we should head back up again.

With a pretty different line in mind, linking up almost four separate suggestions from the group (another huge bonus of having so many experienced guides in one spot), we headed out to our new checkpoint.

The weather kept being friendly enough for us to travel and skin up, with only the occasion wind gusts and a bit of fog now and then. After the previous ride down, the enthusiasm was as palpable as the snow that kept coming down since we started early that morning.

The Highlight Of Our Tour

After a few more good photos, a couple of extra workshops on kick turns, and the never-ending chat about elusive social media algorithms, we finally reached our last transition of the day.

Everybody stood in line trying to figure out the best excuse to use to go first, and, obviously whoever got the first line had to film everyone shredding – a fair bargain. After some beautiful powder turns through a really alluring meadow, we found a very good looking potential forest run. This turned out to be the highlight of the day.

Decently steep and not too crowded, with nice, lush pines – with just enough to keep you nimble on your skis/board. Once more, yeehaaws filled the surrounding forest, not to mention some serious pow sprays – the first ones of the season, if I might add.

In just one day, we enjoyed the perfect blend of riding and scouting, all while tightening the guiding community.

Oh, and did we mention it’s kept snowing since?

Skiing downhill on Ciucas

Want To Create Your Own Backcountry Story?

We get it, not everyone is an ace on skis or snowboards… But you don’t have to be!

We organize backcountry tours and ski/snowboard lessons for everyone, regardless of experience, age, or equipment.

We find the best lines for your particular skill set and ensure you’ll have as much fun as humanly possible, even if it’s your first time off-piste.

Massif Experience offers guided backcountry tours and ski or snowboard lessons in the Carpathian Mountains in Brașov, Romania. We have a lifetime of experience in guided tours, so you can rest assured you’ll be safe and well taken care of during our tour!

If you’re ready to get a taste of what a real adventure feels like, give us a ring at +40 758 439 709 or message us by clicking the button below!

Andreea Hertanu | Ghid Montan and Ski Instructor at Massif Experience

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    BackcountryMountainbike ToursCursuri SkiCursuri SnowboardCursuri Mountainbike

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