Adventure Vouchers – The Best Gift In 2023!

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So you’re not yet sure what would make a great gift this Christmas?

Holidays are approaching like they’re on fast-forward, and the last thing you want to happen is seeing friends or family left with no present, just because “you didn’t know what to get them”.

This year (like the years before) Massif Experience got the perfect solution for… well, pretty much everyone!

4 Adventure Gifts Vouchers For Everyone’s Taste

Take a moment and think of someone who would say no to a vacation in the heart of the mountains, doing something fun and exciting for the first time in their life.

No one, right?

These vouchers are a guarantee that whoever gets them will remember your gift for life! No matter if they’re a fan of splitboarding, snowboarding, skiing, mountain biking, or just got into these adventure sports, there’s no one on Earth that would say „no” to a paid vacation.

Let’s see what vouchers you can get:

Guided Tour In Romania’s Backcountry

Truly discovering a country is more than walking in the busiest city and visiting the most popular museum. The backcountry is not what you see on YouTube or TV. It’s about adventure, bonding, fresh air, and crazy beautiful landscapes that you simply don’t see anywhere else.

Gift anyone you know a voucher for a guided tour in Romania’s backcountry and watch their faces brighten with joy.

This backcountry voucher makes a great gift for:

* This guided tour can be a ski, splitboard, or snowboard tour.

Backcountry tour voucher

Splitboard Course

If you’ve been wanting to crush powder with a friend or your significant other for quite some time now, but you never got the chance to teach them the basics, let our splitboard instructors do it for you!

Splitboard lesson voucher

This splitboard course voucher makes a great gift for:

*The splitboard course will be a 1:1 or a group training session (maximum 4 people) with one of our instructors

Ski Course

Skiing is one of the most popular winter sports, but it’s not for everyone. Skiing can feel a little more complicated, but it can very quickly become a passion when you get the gist of it.

This ski course voucher makes a great gift for:

*The ski course will be a 1:1 or a group training session (maximum 5 people) with one of our instructors

Ski lesson voucher

Snowboard Course

While skiing is easier to learn and harder to master, snowboarding is exactly the opposite. Get this voucher for any of your friends and make it an opportunity to get them into this amazing sport.

The course is enough for anyone to get hooked on snowboarding!

Snowboard lesson voucher

This snowboarding course voucher makes a great gift for:

*The snowboard course will be a 1:1 or a group training session (maximum 4 people) with one of our instructors

How Do These Vouchers Work?

Great question!

Frequently Asked Questions

No, but since these are meant to be gifts, you can give them to someone else.

Vouchers are only available until the end of 2023. After that, all vouchers will be voided and you won’t be able to use/return/refund them.

Yes, you can. If you or your friend would be more interested in a ski course and not a splitboard course, you can change them!

You can get all four vouchers directly from this page, by clicking on the one you’d like or from our physical address in Brasov, Strada Doctor Victor Babeș, 32.

It really depends on the availability of our guides. In any case, all of our guides and instructors are accredited by the International Ski Instructors Association, so you’ll get a top-of-the-line lesson.

Your instructor will be announced when you book your adventure with us. Hint: it will be one of the guys from this page! We also have some external collaborations with other certified guides and instructors.

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